Dec 16
Sep 16
School uniforms!
Our older children require school uniforms to visit the local school in Limuru. The rules are very strict and even the socks have to be the right colour. In case the uniform doesn’t dry after washing due to cold weather the child has to stay at home. At the moment we have 16 kids who attend the local school. When we bought them new uniforms the were so happy and sang songs of praise for half an hour!
May 16
Mar 16
Easter season
Its a hot Easter Season this year. Temperatures have gone up even in Limuru, which lies at an altitude of nearly 2000m and is usually sunny with a cool breeze. The rains are yet to come.
During this season the children at The Nest children’s home spend much time outdoors. They start the day by brushing their teeth right outside the front door, they drink their porridge in the morning sun and spend the afternoons playing in the playground. The warm sunshine is much appreciated in Limuru where the laundry often doesn’t dry for days and days….