Your Donations
are greatly appreciated. YOU can make a difference in the life of a child! For further details click here
The Nest is registered as a Charitable Trust in Kenya. The program is not affiliated with any organization but depends entirely on private donations from within Kenya and friends abroad. This makes our fundraising very challenging. We welcome ANY kind of financial support, be it large or small. The funds will be used exclusively for the welfare of the children and their mothers.
- Bank Account in Kenya
- The Nest Home Charitable Trust
- Kenya Commercial Bank-Village Market
- Swift Code : KCBLKENX 011
- 1) Kenya Shillings Account No. 1104098148
- 2) EURO Account No. 1104141973
- 3) USD Account No. 1104134861
Bank Account in US
In 2009 one of our family friends from the US started
Saba, International which since supports 3 programmes in Kenya.
One of them is The Nest.
If you are in the US and would like to financially support our work
please make checks payable to Saba, International – The Nest Home.

- Send checks to:
- Saba, International
- care of Helen Kahl
- 10560 Blue Rock Road
- Mount Horeb, Wisconsin 53572
- (approved Colorado Nonprofit corporation, tax exempt as a 501 (c)
(3) organization, and considered a public charity under the private
foundation rules)
We trust in the continuous support of friends and
well-wishers – some of which have dedicated their attention to the
Nest for many years.