
The Nest
is a Project for the Rescue, Rehabilitation and Integration of Children in Conflict with the Law & Children of Imprisoned Mothers.



Dec 18

Merry Christmas!

The NEST Project’s Team and the Children wish all our friends a Merry Christmas! 

Your support during 2018 made us strong! Thank you so much!


Dec 18

School holidays

During the school holidays, a holiday program for the kids is set up. They enjoy soccer, cycling, skating, nature walks and other activities. For the older kids, there is a tournament with various competitions and an overall ranking. There are prices to win and at the end everybody enjoys ice cream.


Dec 18

Goat twins

New members in the Nest. This time it’s the goats that have babies. The twins delight kids and visitors. We will keep you updated with more pictures soon.



Oct 17

Knock knock, who is there?

Knock, knock who is there? Its plenty of children in class, studying hard and learning for life. Our children at The Nest go to our one-room schoolhouse across the road where they are being taught by our teachers. Whenever you get there you find a busy atmosphere of little students who are aware that education will change who they are.


May 17

Hope for our women

We would like to remind you of the needs of our women at the Halfway House. We tend to talk about their children and yet it is the mothers whom we rely on to reintegrate our children from prison. Up to 10 women go in out of our Halfway House at a time, some stay longer, others come and go. Our socialworkers counsel them and try to plant a seed of hope in each and every heart. Daily workshops help the women gain self-confidence and with time they learn how to cope with their lives again. Our socialworkers walk small steps with them but it the end every little step is worth it.


Feb 17

Having fun!

What fun! A group of friends from International School of Kenya (ISK) come to the Nest at Limuru every Wednesday and do Yoga and craft with the kids. This is really special fo our children as they forget about their worries and simply have an afternoon of fun. Thank you guys for coming!

Look at my hippo!!!


Dec 16

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from The Nest children in Limuru!

Merry Christmas from the children of our women at Halfway House!

We thank all our friends from all over the world for you wonderful support. Your gift of hope is our future!


Sep 16

School uniforms!

Our older children require school uniforms to visit the local school in Limuru. The rules are very strict and even the socks have to be the right colour. In case the uniform doesn’t dry after washing due to cold weather the child has to stay at home. At the moment we have 16 kids who attend the local school. When we bought them new uniforms the were so happy and sang songs of praise for half an hour!


May 16

Mealtime at the Baby’s Nest

Shortly before the meals it gets a little louder at the Baby’s Nest. When 24 babies are ready to eat they will let everyone know! And when silence begins we know all is well…



Mar 16

Easter season

Its a hot Easter Season this year. Temperatures have gone up even in Limuru, which lies at an altitude of nearly 2000m and is usually sunny with a cool breeze. The rains are yet to come.

During this season the children at The Nest children’s home spend much time outdoors. They start the day by brushing their teeth right outside the front door, they drink their porridge in the morning sun and spend the afternoons playing in the playground. The warm sunshine is much appreciated in Limuru where the laundry often doesn’t dry for days and days….

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